Sunday, May 24, 2009

NewBorn Episode Four 5-23-09


Episode 4
May 23, 2009:

In this episode, we discuss the upcoming New Moon movie. We talk
about the wolf pack, the newly released New Moon Teaser Poster, and
we have a special guest, Savannah! We also have an alternate website
with all of the podcasts on them due to the technical difficulties
that is having.
Please rate us and leave comments!! We promise we will answer your
questions or comments on the next podcast!

As mentioned in the podcast:

Twilight Anime:

The fam:The Wolf Pack:
Younger Jacob Black & Older/Werewolf Jacob Black (our opinion)
When I found this picture I also found this snippet of info:
Since Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke was replaced Chris Weitz, suspicion that Taylor Lautner will be replaced for his role of Jacob Black has grown. MTV News confirmed that Michael Copon is one of several actors Weitz is considering to play the new, larger Jacob.

A representative for Copon revealed that they’re making a full effort to land the role. Michael recently updated his Facebook status with: ‘Michael Copon in a Twilight Zone!’ and ‘Michael Copon is the older Jacob Black!’

A rep told MTV, ‘The casting decision in regards to the character Jacob Black has yet to be made.’ Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian actor Ben Barnes is also believed to be campaigning for the role of Aro, a mind-reading vampire whose encounter with Edward and Bella helps shape their destiny.

And of course.......the New Moon teaser Poster:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

NewBorn Episode Three 5-16-09


Episode 3
May 16, 2009:

In this episode, we watch the second half of the movie and do a "Mystery Science Theater" version to it. This is actually part 2 of 2.

Please rate us and leave comments!!
We promise we will answer your questions or comments on the next podcast!

NewBorn Episode Two 5-16-09


Episode 2
May 16, 2009:

In this episode, we watch the first half of the movie and do a "Mystery Science Theater" version to it. This is actually part 1 of 2.
Please rate us and leave comments!!
We promise we will answer your questions or comments on the next podcast!

Below are the details on the actor who plays Tyler in Twilight as we discussed on tonight's episode:
Gregory Tyree Boyce was born and raised in California. Hmmm...I guess it is surfer language :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

NewBorn Episode One 5-9-09

Our first podcast!

Episode 1
May 09, 2009:


We introduce ourselves, then we get into our discussion about Twilight book characters with the Twilight movie characters.

This is Amber's son Hayden doing his Jasper impersonation:
We can't forget the Fuzz Ball Exterminator, Harry:

Also can't leave out the other of Randee's cats, Girlie Girl:

E.H.S. (Edward Hand Syndrome)